29 Mayıs 2014 Perşembe

An Attractive Proposal

When we first read this in the classroom , we were shocked because of Swift's ideas for the children. Then, we learnt that Swift wrote this essay in a satiric way to pay attention to the poverty of his country, Ireland. There were many terrible ideas, which are given by Swift.By this way, he discussed Ireland's poverty problem which includes overpopulation, homelessness, starvation. For example, people who have a lot of children would be able to sell or eat them. Also,children would be used to make clothes, new dishes, and leather goods for ladies and gentlemen. These are just a model proposal for his country. In my opinion, it is very effective essay to make sense for rich people who ignore the poverty of country.

26 Mayıs 2014 Pazartesi

The Struggle To Survive

If I were Robinson Crusoe , I tried to educate Friday because Robinson is alone on the island and he wants to communicate with somebody. Before he meets Friday , he just keeps a diary not to forget anything during surviving on the island. Also, he should find a way to go his hometown only with someone who knows the island very well and he must be Friday .I am really impressed by this story because it includes some feelings such as fear, confidence, faith.İn addition, Robinson prays to God to stay alive and reads the bible because of his belief. 

25 Mayıs 2014 Pazar

Carpe Diem

Three weeks ago we watched a movie '' Dead Poets Society '' only first part in the classroom . Then, I watched its second part on the ınternet . When I finished watching this movie , I liked it very much because loving poetry is emphasized by the English teacher , John Keating  who inspires to his students effectively . Especially, '' Seize the day '' is the most important thing in this movie because it is valid for everyone . You should do whatever you want now because of passing the time . In addition to this, we can not stop the time ,yet we can change our places with it . Moreover , this theme is mentioned in most of movies and poems . For instance, '' To Coy his Mistress based on praising his lover and being with her before passing the time . ''Life is short and death is forever . ''

30 Kasım 2013 Cumartesi

The Knight's Tale


 The Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories .It was written by Geoffrey Chaucer in Middle English at the end of 14th century . It includes a lot of histories. These stories are told by a group of pilgrims on their way from Southwark to Canterbury . Courtly love , treachery , and the ambition of money are themes in Canterbury Tales .The knight's tale is one of the tales .
     The Knight's Tale is a romance and it is set in mythological Greece.The main theme is courtly love . In this tale , the knight is the first pilgrim  and the teller of the first tale . He is a brave , experienced and prudent man greatly  admired by the narrator . He has participated  in the fifteen of the great crusades of his period . The knight is a great conqueror named  Theseus in Ancient Greece .He rules the city of Athens .Other characters are Palamon and Arcite . They are prisoners because of being enemy soldiers on the battlefield . Also , they are cousins and sworn brothers .Both cousins live in an Athenian tower for several years .Another important character is Emelye . She is a beautiful girl and Theseus's sister-in-law .
     One spring morning , she makes flower garlands , both couisins see this beautiful girl when they look out the window from the prison tower .Both  Arcite and Palamon fall in love with the beautiful girl , Emelye .They argue over her , but neither can ever leave from the prison tower .
   One day , Perotheus who is friend  with both  Theseus and Arcite , petitions for Arcite's freedom from Theseus  and then the great conqueror Theseus banishes the prisoner Arcite permanently from  Athens  but Arcite still loves Emelye because he sees her every day from the prison tower .
   Some time later , winged Mercury appears to Arcite in his dream and insists upon him to return to Athens . Then he returns to Athens , but his cousin Palamon has escaped from the prison . A great conqueror Thesus learn that both enemy soldiers love Emelye and he holds a tournament . The winner will be awarded Emelye's hand. 

4 Ekim 2013 Cuma

Old English Literature

Last lesson , we learnt a lot of things about English literature . I think that England  has a rich literature with a long history . Especially ,  I was impressed by  Old English literature , inas much as it includes a challenging period  which is called Anglo-Saxon . When I was surfing on the internet , I read diverse articles about The Anglo -Saxon Period . I realized that epic poems , songs , Bible translations , riddles take part in this period.

İn my opinion , among the most important works of  this period is the poem Beowulf .This poem tells  the story of the legendary  who is the title character Geatish hero Beowulf .I learnt that  Beowulf is a heroic poem . I haven't heard the poem Beowulf ever . I want to read this poem definitely . 
On the other side , I want to refer to specific features  of Anglo -Saxon poetry . I learnt that simile is a particular feature of Anglo-                     Saxon style . As an example of this  ,the poem  Beowulf  contains at best five similes, and these are of the short variety .Also , metaphor                 ,alliteration ,variation are specific features of Anglo-Saxon poetry . 

                                            Finally , in this part I want to say how I enjoy in this course .                                                         Because I like English language and its long history . Thanks                                                        to this course , I will learn a lot of things about English                                                                  literature . 

27 Eylül 2013 Cuma


First of all , I think that English literature is an important thing for ELT students. For instance , when you know the cultural  history of English literature , you can find out the style  of literary texts and genres of English literature. In this course  , We learn a lot of things about English literature . We can  read various literary texts such as short poem , story , novel which are representing different periods of English literature . If we learn  these texts , they can improve our language skills.
Secondly , I want to  read  the texts  of  Shakespeare , Charles Dickens , Oscar Wilde . By this way , I can know different types of plays in literature in English . Especially , Romeo and Juliet , and David Copperfield are favorite texts for me . When I read these books , I liked them very much . Also , ELT students in this course texts .
Finally , I think that I will enjoy this course and It will  contribute our life in many different ways .